Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Brief Account of Human History

As the noted author Chuck Palahniuk once noted, "On a long enough time-line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." Then when we consider the entire span of human existence, how can we summarize our collective history?

How about, "We came, we saw, we conquered"? Hardly.

May be we can take a few notes from one of the most important movies of 2007, Semi-Pro, when the legendary film-star Will Ferrell declares, "In the annals of human history, they will note three things, the invention of fire, submarines, and the Mega-Bowl!" Not quite.

On a long enough time-lime, I would venture to say that our fate is beginning to take an ominous path towards self destruction and the majority of us are only in the first stage of AA's 12 step process of recovery, denial.

So then let's say we continue on with the status quo, and conclude that humans emerged from the trees, didn't like what they saw and decided to change things. Humans changed things so much that soon there were no more trees left, and then the humans died.

Among humans chief accomplishments were various inventions, almost complete eradication of all other living creatures on Earth, and terra-forming the planet while removing its most valuable resources for profit.

They were not successful enough to emerge from their infancy to colonize the stars, although exploration of space was attempted on a basic level.

Possibly worthy of amending the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy? I think the current edition might be even shorter.