Saturday, September 11, 2004

The First Blog Post

It may have been a long time in coming, but I have finally decided to add yet another voice to the stream of bloggers on the net. In recent months and years, I have spent more and more of my free time reading and enjoying the posts of others. And there are quite a few talented bloggers out there, so it does seem a little intimidating especially if one aspires to today's true standard of reporting excellence. But a voice, even if it is scattered amongst a sea of screaming people is still a voice, and I hope to add mine to the shrill of those who are ever more concerned about the state of the world as it has become.

Nothing comes to mind at present about the depth and focus this blog, but I hope to add some insight to the lives of others interested in life outside the mainstream media madness.

A little about myself first. I grew up innocently believing that you could honestly trust others, and the world in which we live is only enhanced by the wonders man provides. I thought that when I grew up, life would be as easy to live in as it was when I was a child. Everyone would have a job we liked and we would all have an equal say in the world and how it is governed. Just a little too optimistic.

The facts are that these musings of a young child, and I'm sure there are quite a few of us who at some point in our lives at least hoped for a similar vision, couldn't be farther from the truth. As the new Millennium came and went my hopes for the chance emergence of an "enlightened world" were somehow dashed after the rigged national election that November, the catastrophic attack almost one year later and then our collective gut reaction in response to it.

Now four years later, I cannot help to feel that no matter who wins the election this time around nothing that much will really change anyway. Should George W. prevail and win yet another term, then we're really back to the status quo. To be quite sure though, if Kerry were to win, Republicans would be out for blood, so either way it is the people who will loose this election no matter who wins. And to be quite honest, we only have ourselves to blame for it. Time, it seems, might be running out on us sooner than we'd like to think.

If only there could be some sort of magical solution to all of our problems; a sort of modern day penicillin or something. The Republicans will still control both the House and Senate, and they in turn will still be controlled by the special interests that have come to dominate the very pulse of this country.

Beginning Monday morning it should be quite possible for me to purchase an AK47 without a problem, yet I won't be able to check out a book at the local library without being monitored by the FBI as a potential terrorist.

The truth of the matter may only rest within ourselves as we continue to debate, argue or simply choose to ignore these daily reminders that we as citizens are not the ones with the loudest voices anymore.

Until the next time.

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