Thursday, October 07, 2004

4 More Years Anyone?

OK, I know this may sound a little funny, but there actually are millions of people who are planning on voting for George W. Bush, again. Of all the people I know and associate with, I could probably count every Republican on my left hand. But, the colored states on the map show a different picture though, and I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it.

C'mon boy, snap to.

Again? Now, I'm doing my very best to be objective about this, but I'm sorry, I just can't. I mean, is he not about the worst President this country has ever had?

You could take the fact that he has presided over the worst economy since the Great Depression being the first President to have actually lost jobs since he took office. I guess you could argue that since we really exported most of those, they technically aren't "lost".

He also presided over the worst attack on American soil in our nation's history, which could have been avoided had he just read the PDBs. Then, for the first time in our nation's history, we invaded another country without any provocation, or just cause. That is, unless you actually do believe that Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11. At least, we actually claimed that the North Vietnamese shot at us before attacking them. That, by the way, wasn't even declared a war, and neither was Korea.

What additional accomplishments can we expect if George W. Bush gets another four years?

First, we could start off with the draft, but before that let's extend our troops tour of duty even more. Continuing erosion in our efforts to restrain North Korea and Iran. A complete lack of any policy regarding Israel and Palestine. A slow parting in our alliance with the British and Australians. More tax cuts for the rich. Excuses from the military. More vets coming back and not getting the medical attention they deserve. A lack of credibility in the eyes of the world. Increased opium production in Afghanistan. A larger budget deficit than we already have. A continued reliance upon oil. No-bid contracts. Smear campaigns. Lies and defamation. The growing threat of terrorism. Tapes from the Talilban. Hostages. Hostility. Medican't. Social Insecurity. John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, and Tom Delay.

Someone please tell me how you could sleep at night knowing you've already voted for this man?

Pretty soundly I'd have to say, for a nation of sheep.

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