Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The VP Debate Transcript & Analysis

What does it take for the news media to give the Democrats a break? Did they even watch the same debate that I was watching? Sometimes I have to wonder. (Read it all by clicking on the link above).

According to the pundits, Edwards tied Cheney at best, but on-line polls conducted immediately after the debate gave it all to Edwards by a sweeping 70 to 80 percent.

Now, Cheney did make some strong points against his opponent, but in my opinion, they were weak at best. His most rousing moment was when he accused Edwards that his whole career was nothing but a play to become Vice President and ended with his statement of never seeing him on the House floor. Despite the accusation being proven false, it was also directed in anger for having set him on his heels just moments before anyway. Edward's wife actually told Cheney right after the debate was over that they had met on a few occasions before, to which Cheney replied, "Oh yeah, that's right." Cheap shot Cheney.

In fact, there was no time that Edwards wasn't on the offensive. He was in total control right from the start, appeared confident, even affable at times, and actually seemed to have fun with it. He showed an open and transparent image, compared to Cheney's hunched posture and, as the debate progressed, seemingly whispered retorts. I counted five times, most of them towards the end, when his posture combined with clenched hands, actually muffled the mic attached to his tie.

One two separate occasions, Cheney actually gave his time away choosing not to respond to Edwards. These concessions only gave Edwards more time to beat the VP down even more. The first time this happened was in response to his opinion on gay marriage, which differs from the President's. Edwards, then turned the tables on Cheney and actually thanked him and his wife for standing up for their convictions, seeming to shock his counterpart into submission. The other was, of course, about his ties with Haliburton. Edwards didn't even raise this point because it came from the moderator, and Cheney got the luxury of having to explain himself to the people directly. Edwards response to Cheney was basically, "you're lying" to which Cheney sat in silence.

The end was what really gave it all away when Cheney only thanked the moderator, snubbing Edwards who had just thanked him himself. Awww, such a sore looser.

Now, Edwards could have laid a few more eggs on his opponent, but could he really have looked any better than he did? I don't think so, the victory was clear.

If this were a grade school playground fight, Cheney would be at home crying to his mother right now. There is no doubt, the Republicans are backed into a corner. About the only thing going for them right now is the constant "liberal media bias".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
