Sunday, September 14, 2008

That Sinking Sara Palin Feeling

It is without a doubt that we are in need of some real change after the troubling last eight years of the Bush & Co leadership, but it seems as though there is still a vast majority of American's who are utterly oblivious to the reality around them. Otherwise, how can you explain those ever-so-close poll results?

How is it that so many of us are so blind to the obvious scam that is, in essence, wrapped up in one person, Sarah Palin? And yet we are about to repeat the same tragic move that got us into this mess in the first place.

OK, so it's not entirely our fault because to some extent the system has been working against the common person for some time now, but there is still a huge amount of support for a ticket that lacks any form of credibility.

I wonder how many of us are really taking these elections seriously at all, and if they are how could they even think that the Republicans should be given another chance to run this country.

The answer is clearly that there are plenty of people who are taking these elections seriously and will sadly still vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.

From the card carrying members of the NRA, and big business, to naive women everywhere there is the very real possibility, (with DieBold's help) that once again Republicans will get another four year term at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

And even in the event that the Democrats do win, I fear there is the real possibility that at the very least the presidency will be stymied at every turn from global warming to international affairs. Too often I hear in the news that whomever takes the helm will have to endure a legacy which has already been established by the current administration.

So far, the rest of the world sympathizes with the American people and have endured our global stupidity because they feel that "We the People" will come to our senses and finally do the right thing by electing Barack/Biden. However, should this not be the case, then it will certainly be a different picture and there will be very little sympathy felt from anyone with the possible exception of our own pets.

To be truthful there hasn't been one thing I can recall that our country can be proud of the in the last eight years. Now, on the verge of utter economic catastrophe, and with the power to do something positive, will we ultimately decide to continue this epic tragedy? Well, I have that sinking feeling it's about to happen all over again.

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