Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Another Four Years

The country has spoken (again) and Bush will continue his stint in the White House for another four years.

Republicans essentially constitute the Christian right, card carrying members of the NRA, NASCAR Dads and Soccer Moms, those upper-class corporate jingos, and people driving those gas guzzling SUVs because they just feel safer - to name a few. The sheer stupidity of these individuals truly make up today's (modern) American culture.

What is stupid really? It's looking at all the evidence presented before you and totally making the wrong choice, for a second time. For example, in response to the question, "If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you?" Those would actually have to think about that question would probably have voted for Bush this time around.

What will another four years of this White House bring us? ...

The Arctic National Wildlife refuge will again come into question time and time again until they get what they want.

A lasting control over the Supreme Court with the ability to overturn Roe Vs. Wade and a wide range of other sensible legislation will come back under the microscope, or be simply overturned on a whim.

We may be the only western country to repeal abortion, as well as slap a constitutional ban on gay unions, or marriage.

Environmental standards will continue to erode. Worker rights established for so long will also be diminished.

Social Security will become privatized.

Medicare will continue to sap the people in favor of large drug companies.

The Patriot Act could again be expanded to include everyone who may have a different opinion.

Freedom of Speech will continue to be trampled, along with us.

The FBI probe into illegal activities by Dick Cheney will vanish into thin air.

The war in Iraq will only get worse, but we won't really hear much about that.

The situation in Iran slide into a deep hole.

Tension across the world will increase causing an even greater rift between us and them.

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