Saturday, November 06, 2004

Stolen Election 2004 Website

"In Election 2000, the Bush regime stole the election and got away with it.  Now, in Election 2004, there is new evidence that Bush and the Republicans have stolen the 2004 election by electronic voting fraud in states with E-Voting without paper trails, scrubbing the voter rolls of Democratic voters, and destruction of paper ballots in heavily Democratic areas." This site has some interesting information, links to related sites, and its own blog.

News continues to trickle forward about a few thousand votes here, another few thousand votes there going to Bush and not Kerry. North Carolina may have to hold their state elections again because of widespread problems with their machines. Just seems increasingly clear to me that while the Democrats may have won the ground war bringing in record voters, the Republicans won the ground war when it came to rigging the elections on all levels.

Even the money pouring into the 527's that Bush and Co. kept calling attention to as being "Bad for America" was tapped into much more than their defeated counterparts, who coincidentally took most of the blame for having created this election "loophole" in the first place.

Will historians look back at this period and talk about it as America's experiment with Aristocracy? I guess we'll all have to wait and see if Jeb gets the nod next.

In the meantime, can someone PLEASE FIX THOSE STUPID MACHINES!

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