Thursday, November 25, 2004

Just Say No

I remember Nancy Reagan's famous words when she touted her cure for the millions of Americans using illegal drugs: "Just Say No".

Now, it seems the current administration is so convinced that Nancy's strategy worked they're willing to give it another try, except this time it's for everyone else who is practicing the "illegal" act of sex.

Backing off from teaching safe sex and the use of condoms if individuals wish to continue to have sex, this administration is saying we shouldn't be having it at all, unless we're married of course.

Not withstanding the mounting difficulties of getting birth control pills filled at the local pharmacy (see previous post), and the continued underfunding of Planned Parenthood, this administration is taking a hard stand against what they deem as immoral sexual practices. Unfortunately, they miss the issue of public health altogether.

Forget the risk for increases in the spread of communicable diseases and unwanted pregnancies, we should all just listen to the words of Nancy and simply say no to sex.

Who knows, they might even decide to pass the "Condom Stamp Act" making it illegal to manufacture condoms or any contraceptive without the permission of the federal government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. while im not for the whole sex before marriage thing (blame my christian stuff... but mostly it's my own views on the matter), i still say, don't push it on other people. I'm still for the pushing "abstinence is best, but if you're going to, here's what you need to do" cuz telling kids not to is like saying "yeah, it's so much fun, i want to torture you" or something like that.