Wednesday, November 10, 2004

True but Hard to Believe: Pro-Life Druggists?

I swear that if this ever happens to me, (although it probably won't since I'm not a woman) I'll march right over grab a pack of smokes from behind the counter and make her ring that up too.

Such hypocrisy in everyday life is shocking. I mean, college educated chemists can't actually have this sort of belief system can they? Wouldn't that be similar to a NASA scientist saying the world is flat or something? This exclusive version of "anti-discrimination discrimination ", for lack of a better term, is quite similar to what people like Anne Coulter are all about these days.

She has consistently said on national talk shows, etc. that the term racism only refers to African-Americans, to which group she still refers to as Blacks. Someone must have written a whole set of stupid-people rules that I haven't got my hands on yet.

When I get my hands on a copy, I'll be sure to use it to conk the next stupid druggist I encounter who refuses to fill a prescription order for birth control pills based upon their personal belief system.

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